In loving memory of Laticia Watson, who suddenly passed between the recording of this episode and its airing
In Part 2 of Garam Masala Diaries, we continue our conversation with Aman Dosanj, Chef and owner of Paisley notebook: a diaspora kid, adulting in the Okanagan, telling stories about her food immersed in her culture and heritage, while expressing her emotions unapologetically through her one of a kind pop up dinner series, SOURCED. She gets right into societal assumptions and what we can do, to help correct the narrative, as women of colour with courageous voices.
Aman’s outlook is informed by her lived experiences. In this deeply emotional episode, we explore taking on the responsibility of creating opportunities for ourselves, and take charge of the keys to our future. She explains how she does this and holds her power through her intentions and actions of giving herself a chance to make a difference, and defining her value of representation.
A poignant lesson she pulls from the beautiful festival of Holi (which she celebrates in one of her pop-up dinners annually), is the joy of evoking joy and laughter through the act of covering ourselves in a myriad of colours, while flattening the curve on all those pointers that sets us apart such as race, wealth, religious beliefs and cast - what better way to allow space for humanity to shine through.
Through Aman’s captivating story-telling, you will discover ways you can stand up for what you believe in and find your path, no matter what life throws at you. Also, when it’s mango season, enjoy as many mangoes as you can, and find joy in sharing the love!
Topics covered include:
Cultural perception and it’s limiting beliefs
How and why representation matters (cue The Lion King)
Strength of community
Imprints of generational parenting
Acts of humanity
Resources from the episode:
Connect with Aman:
Learn more about Aman on: The Paisley Notebook
Find Aman on IG: @paisleynotebook
Email Aman: aman@paisleynotebook.com
Connect with Shobna:
Book a 30 minute conversation
Engage with me on Linked In: Shobna
Find me on IG: @soirette.connections & @lovesoirette
Learn more about Soirette Coaching: Soirette Connections
